“We have hope.  Rebellions are built on Hope!”  Jyn Erso, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Today is the big day and another special edition of my blog!  I am currently sitting in a chair getting my final Herceptin treatment!  When I started my first treatment on September 22, 2016, this day felt so far away.  I can’t believe everything I went through to get to this point.

  • Chemo (6 infusions of Taxotere, Carboplatin, and Perjeta, 17 infusions of Herceptin)
  • Surgery (Lumpectomy)
  • 30 rounds of radiation

I thanked all my friends, family, and co-workers in my previous post, but I left out some very important people: my Doctors, Nurses, and Staff at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Illinois Cancer Care, St. Margaret’s Hospital, and United Physical Therapy!  I’ve learned so much going through this journey and am so happy I had a very knowledgeable and supportive group of people that were always there to answer questions and make me as comfortable as possible.  Never did I feel like I was a burden for asking the same question over and over until I understood the answers.  Everyone was always positive.  One of my nurses told me after I had my last infusion of Taxotere, Carboplatin, and Perjeta that I had “conquered chemo!”  Those were the chemo meds that REALLY caused a war in my body and made me really have to fight back.  And these are the words I carry with me as I finish up my Herceptin treatments.

I thought it appropriate that I wear a shirt I bought at Star Wars Celebration.  It says, “Hope.”

*A picture mosaic of my cancer journey:

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